Women Peer Mentoring Program 2024

Photo by CoWomen: https://www.pexels.com/photo/three-women-smiling-2041390/

Starting in the fall of 2024, ISTA will launch its first-ever women peer mentoring program for postdocs. The program will run from October 2024 until September 2025. You will find the registration form at the end of this page.

An academic career poses specific challenges for scientists at all levels. Since women in STEM are in a minority at the group leader level and often also at the postdoc level, they can experience additional challenges in their working environments and along their career paths. The goal of this program is to create a dedicated space for women postdocs for training, reflection, exchange and networking with like-minded peers facing similar challenges, i.e. a space to learn from and with each other. Whereas ISTA recognizes that all genders can benefit from exchanges on work-related challenges, this particular program is a response to the specific requests from women postdocs at ISTA.

  • Kick-off Brunch: Get to know your fellow participants, have an exchange with ISTA women faculty members and learn from their experiences, meet your peer-group facilitator and enjoy brunch!
    October 3, 10 am – 12 pm
    Welcome by Martin Hetzer, President of ISTA
    Exchange with Caroline Muller, Sandra Siegert and Beatriz Vicoso.
  • The core of the program:
    In-person peer group exchange
    • Once per quarter, first session on October 24 (1pm – 4 pm)
    • (Up to) 3 hours per session (breaks included)
    • Topics defined by participants
    • Facilitated by Kathrin Humphrey, counselor and expert in science management and science policy
    • If participants wish, peer exchange every 2 months (instead of every 3 months) is possible;
    • Group size: min. 8, max. 12
  • One workshop per quarter. The program includes one workshop per quarter to boost participates’ soft skills to the next level and prepares them in an optimal way for the next step in their careers. Topics for workshops in 2025 will be discussed with participants and will be scheduled throughout the program.

    The first workshop will be on Nov 25-27, 2024 on the topic of leadership. The aim of this 2.5-day workshop is to provide women early career researchers with effective tools for actively stepping up into a 360° leadership position – i.e., leading in all directions (upward, downward, and lateral as well as oneself). One core focus of this workshop lies on how (formal or informal) leaders can create a fruitful team environment for innovation to become possible. Apart from preparing for a senior leader’s role inside or outside science, this workshop shows how early-career researchers can already step up and lead in a visionary way. The workshop will be facilitated by Dr. Insa Flachsbarth.
  • Optional: Get mentoring from an ISTA alumna/alumnus
    Participants who would like to profit from expert knowledge of former ISTA postdocs can choose an alumna/alumnus to mentor them 1-1. For more information, go to the ISTA Postdoc Alumni Mentoring Program.
  • Commitment: In order for the program to run successfully, participants need to be sufficiently engaged. This is why we require the following: Participants must commit to participating in the kick-off event, all four peer group meetings (an exception will be made for sick days) and 3 out of 4 workshops. If more than 4 peer group meetings should take place, then participation in at least 4 peer group sessions is required.

Get to know your women colleagues, and learn with and from each other. Share how you have overcome difficult situations, develop new perspectives, learn new soft skills and discuss topics that are important to you. Enjoy the sense of community and have a good time together!

The minimum number of participants for the program to run is 8 to guarantee stability for the program. The maximum number of participants is 12 to enable a fruitful peer exchange.

Participants must be employed with ISTA for the time of the program.

If more than 12 people would like to participate, participants will be selected by motivation and seniority with respect to their time at ISTA.

The registration period is closed.

Photo by Karolina Kaboompics: https://www.pexels.com/photo/typed-message-on-pink-paper-5993378/